Coaching and training

Learn how to manage your PR and effectively communicate with the press.
Become your company's PR manager

PR program

As a Public Relations (PR) Manager, you are the bridge between your company, the media, and the public. You play a crucial role in shaping public perception and communicating your company’s image. Our PR program teaches you the essential skills needed to build successful press relations and become an impactful public relations specialist.

Tailored to you

Want to take on the role of PR manager for your company but don’t know where to start? Have some PR experience and want to enhance your skills? New to a role that requires speaking to the press? At Loud and Clear, you can choose the coaching path or program that suits you best.

PR expertise

Gain access to 14 years of expertise in PR and broader strategic communication. Whether you work in an SME or a multinational, we know the ins and outs and what works in the press. We’re happy to teach you the tricks of the trade and share all our tips for success.

Practical and actionable

In our programs and coaching sessions, we immediately turn theory into practice. Through targeted exercises and templates, you can easily start on your own. In every format, you can also count on personal guidance to work step-by-step towards PR success for your company.

Speak like a pro

Media training and spokespersonship

Do you regularly speak to the press? Want to train a spokesperson or team within your organization? Loud and Clear prepares you to communicate successfully with the press. Learn the tricks of the trade from an expert. We’re happy to share our tips for success.

Knowing that every organization is unique, we offer various formats:

  • Media training, 1-on-1 or in groups
  • PR coaching, 1-on-1 tailored
  • PR program (online course)

Interested in our services?

What is our PR program?

Our PR program is a great introduction to public relations. Learn what PR is and discover the different types of PR skills and tools. Acquire essential skills and knowledge and find out what it’s like to work in the exciting PR industry. Learn at your own pace with a combination of videos, short quizzes, and practical exercises.


PR foundations

Learn the basic principles of PR.


No PR without a good story. We teach you the ingredients of a good story and how to identify and shape them within your organization.

PR skills

We put our acquired knowledge into practice and hone our skills through a use case.


A frequently overlooked but important step: report your results. Learn how to measure and document the value of your PR actions.